💥Eye Health💥
💥State in which vision, ocular health & functional ability is maximized💥

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Prioritize your Eye Health, keep your world in proper focus, invest in your well-being, and reap the rewards of a lifetime of Clear Vision.

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How To Support Healthy Eyes

Sight is an essential sensory tool and one that you may very well take for granted. To help you protect your eyes and avoid the devastation of vision loss, here are some ideas for how you can support healthy eyes.
From getting regular exercise to stay physically fit to brushing your teeth twice a day to prevent cavities, you are no doubt well-versed in keeping your body and mouth healthy. However, what about looking after your eyes? Sight is an essential sensory tool and one that you may very well take for granted. To help you protect your eyes and avoid the devastation of vision loss,

here are some ideas for how you can support Healthy Eyes.

Have regular Eye Tests

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Just as you visit the dentist for regular dental check-ups, so you should visit your optician for yearly eye tests
Just as you visit the dentist for regular dental check-ups, so you should visit your optician for yearly eye tests. This might be something you are already used to if you have a pre-existing sight condition, such as myopia (commonly known as short-sightedness), but you should still get your sight checked out on a regular basis even if you have 20-20 vision. Your vision can change over time, and some conditions, such as cataracts, might initially have very mild symptoms. Your optician will be able to spot these issues when they are still in their early stages and advise you of how to manage them.

Glasses or Contact Lenses

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Which vision correction method you choose depends on your personal preferences
Myopia is the most common eye condition to have, causing blurred vision for objects at a distance. Fortunately, this condition is easily managed by the wearing of glasses or contact lenses. Which vision correction method you choose depends on your personal preferences. Contact lenses give you precise vision with the freedom of not wearing cumbersome glasses, whereas glasses are a good option if you are squeamish about inserting and removing your lenses. You might like to have both options available to you, for example, wearing one day contact lenses on special occasions and keeping your glasses for everyday use.

Take Supplements for Eye Health

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Even with the best dietary intentions, we often fall short of meeting all our nutritional needs. One answer is a daily multivitamin, which is safe, effective, and can go a long way toward correcting any nutritional deficiencies.
Although you should always aim to obtain a majority of vitamins and minerals from you diet, you might feel that you would benefit from an additional boost by taking supplements to support your eye health. For instance, vitamin C is important for eye health – you’ve probably heard the urban legend that eating carrots makes you see in the dark – along with zinc, vitamin B1 (thiamine), and omega-3 fatty acids.

Protect your Yyes from the Sun

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Sunshine is the Light and the Heat that comes from the SUN.
You probably already slather your skin in sun cream during the summer months; however, did you know that your eyes are also susceptible to damage from the sun? Too much sun exposure can lead to conditions like cataracts and pinguecula. Make sure that you wear sunglasses that have a UV400 rating to ensure that you are getting the maximum protection from harmful UVA and UVB rays from the sun. Sunglasses are available in a variety of styles and prices to suit every taste and budget, so there is no excuse for being outside without your sunglasses on a bright day.

Organizing a Healthy Balanced Life

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The key is scheduling time to work out and eat right, then the equilibrium will come. And hopefully a little fun too!

Have Fun and be Happy

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have Fun and be Happy > iHaveFunINT.com

Info Organs

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The five Vital Organs are the brain, heart, lungs, kidneys, and liver. Other organs support these organs.

💥 Take Care of Yourself

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Self-Care means taking the time to do things that help you live well and improve both your physical health and mental health

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The goal is to ensures short and long term vitality & health and to get a physical body that is strong, flexible and fit through each stage of our lifes.
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