⭐ Info Diabetes ⭐

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Type 2 Diabetes is a chronic disease that affects millions of people worldwide. Uncontrolled cases can cause blindness, kidney failure, heart disease and other serious conditions.

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Type 2 Diabetes is a chronic disease that affects millions of people worldwide. Uncontrolled cases can cause blindness, kidney failure, heart disease and other serious conditions.
Although there are certain factors you can’t change — such as your genes, age or past behaviors — there are many actions you can take to reduce the risk of diabetes.



We eat more sugar and refined carbs in a week the people who llived 200 years ago ate in one year!
Dr. Marlene Meriritt, DOM, MS Nutrition

⭐Start: The Seven-Day Blood Sugar Reboot

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There are three main parts to the 7-Day Challenge.
Dr. Marlene Meriritt, DOM, MS Nutrition

1) Eat no more then 60 gramm carbs per day

excluding green and other non-starchy vegetables.

2) Eat every 3 hours

3) Include fat with everything you eat

no exception.

⭐FAT and CARBS: proportional Harmony

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Ever since fat was demonized, people started eating more sugar, refined carbs and processed foods instead. As a result, the entire world has become fatter and sicker. However, times are changing. Studies now show that fat, including saturated fat, isn't the devil it was made out to be!

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Fat fills us up. It stabilizes our blood sugar. It gives us consistent energy over time, keeping our brain fed and our willpower strong. It also provides vital nutrients we need to restore our blood vessels and our cell membrane and it adds back the flavor we have been craving after all this low-fat stuff.
Dr. Marlene Meriritt, DOM, MS Nutrition

1) Eat FAT

Feel Full

2) Eat FAT

Stabilize your Sugar.
Control your Cravings.

3) Eat FAT

Maintain your Energy.
Feed your Brain.

4) Eat FAT

Access the Vital Nutrients in the Food you are eating.

⭐Beyond the Seven-Day Reboot

This Plan is to teach people how to eat for the rest of their lives.
Dr. Marlene Meriritt, DOM, MS Nutrition

5 Point Blood Flow Fix

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There is evidence that the following foods mentioned below can help with microcirculation if you eath them consistently, every day for several month.
Dr. Marlene Meriritt, DOM, MS Nutrition

1) Green Tea

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Green Tea is touted to be one of the healthiest beverages on the planet that could have many potential health benefits.

2) Garlic

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Garlic has been shown to lower total cholesterol and LDL levels by 10 to 15 percent. Furthermore, eating garlic does not influence your HDL or good cholesterol levels. If you have a family history of heart disease or suffer from heart disease, you should consider adding garlic to your diet.

3) Blueberries

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Berries are among the healthiest foods you can eat. They provide potassium, magnesium, vitamins C and K, fiber, and prebiotics—carbohydrates that help promote a healthy gut.

4) Cocoa

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dark chocolate (Cocoa) may guard against heart and blood vessel (cardiovascular) disease. Dark chocolate seems to have anti-inflammatory effects as well as properties that help prevent blood clots and lower blood pressure

5) Beetroot

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Packed with essential nutrients, beetroots are a great source of fiber, folate (vitamin B9), manganese, potassium, iron, and vitamin C. Beetroots and beetroot juice have been associated with numerous health benefits, including improved blood flow, lower blood pressure.

⭐Coffee and Diabetes 2

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While coffee has been associated with a lower risk of developing type 2 diabetes, it's not all good news. For those who already have type 2 diabetes, coffee could have adverse effects. .
The relationship between caffeine and diabetes is complex, and research findings are still inconclusive. Some studies suggest that drinking 3 to 4 cups of coffee per day can reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes by approximately 25%. However, other research indicates that coffee may increase the risk for those who already have the condition.

Decaffeinated coffee may be a compromise for those with diabetes as the antioxidants/polyphenols promote insulin sensitivity - just without the caffeine which can be the problem.

⭐Low Impact Exercising

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Four Basic Exercises:
Dr. Marlene Meriritt, DOM, MS Nutrition


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Lay flat on your back and then get up to a standing position. Simple but effective …

Wall -Push -Ups

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Vertical push-up. Walk up to a wall, stand 2 feet away with your hands outstretched and palm flat on the wall. Bend your elbows and the straighten.

Air Squads

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Mimics the movement you would do if you sat in a chair.
Keep your feet pointing forward, back straight.

Air Punches

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One foot in front of the other. Punching the air. Right and left arms alternative.

Weekly Workout

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⭐Suplements: smart

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Banaba Leaf

Alpha-Lipoic Acid


White Mulberry Leaf Exract

Optimize Vitamin D Levels

Vitamin D is important for blood sugar control.
Good food sources of vitamin D include fatty fish and cod liver oil. In addition, sun exposure can increase vitamin D levels in the blood.
However, for many people, supplementing with 2,000–4,000 IU of vitamin D daily may be necessary to achieve and maintain optimal levels.

Consider Taking These Natural Herbs

The herbs curcumin and berberine increase insulin sensitivity, reduce blood sugar levels
a large analysis of 14 studies found that berberine is as effective at lowering blood sugar levels as metformin, one of the oldest and most widely used diabetes medications.

💥 Take Care of Yourself

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