Precious Life
Life is short and the most precious things can easily become lost

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Life is short and the most precious things can easily become lost.

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what is "Life" actually

Any organism that is said to breathe and feel with its senses is said to be alive
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Any organism that is said to breathe and feel with its senses is said to be alive. Plants, Animals, Organisms, and Humans are endowed with this concept of life. Hence there is said to be Life on Earth.

Origin of Life

The origin of life on Earth began more than 3 billion years ago, evolving from the most basic of microbes into a dazzling array of complexity over time. The answer to the origin of life remains unknown.
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The origin of life on Earth began more than 3 billion years ago, evolving from the most basic of microbes into a dazzling array of complexity over time. But how did the first organisms on the only known home to life in the universe develop from the primordial soup?
The answer to the origin of life remains unknown!

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Perhaps life did not begin on Earth at all, but was brought here from elsewhere in space, a notion known as Panspermia.

VIDEO: Panspermia – The Origin of Life on Earth

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Perhaps life did not begin on Earth at all, but was brought here from elsewhere in space, a notion known as panspermia, according to NASA. For instance, rocks regularly get blasted off Mars by cosmic impacts, and a number of Martian meteorites have been found on Earth that some researchers have controversially suggested brought microbes over here, potentially making us all Martians originally. Other scientists have even suggested that life might have hitchhiked on comets from other star systems. However, even if this concept were true, the question of how life began on Earth would then only change to how life began elsewhere in space.

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The 6 Most Important Things in Life
Life is short and the most precious things can easily become lost.

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Life is short and the most precious things can easily become lost. Sometimes, outside circumstances cause that loss.
Sometimes, outside circumstances cause that loss. Sometimes, we cause ourselves to lose the things that mean the most to us.
Whether a life-changing accident happens or you momentarily do something out of character that leads to irreparable damage, you often only realize what you had once it’s gone.
That’s why you need to protect some fundamental aspects of your life with a fervor that can’t be tamed.
Our lives and priorities are all different. However, there are precious things in life that are pretty much universal.

Never lose track of these:


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Happiness is an emotional state characterized by feelings of joy, satisfaction, contentment, and fulfillment. While Happiness has many different definitions, it is often described as involving positive emotions and life satisfaction.

Two key components of Happiness are:
• The balance of emotions: Everyone experiences both positive and negative emotions, feelings, and moods. Happiness is generally linked to experiencing more positive feelings than negative.

• Life satisfaction: This relates to how satisfied you feel with different areas of your life including your relationships, work, achievements, and other things that you consider important.


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Your calling: This is your sense of meaning. It’s your passion, your muse. Your calling gives your life purpose and fills you with a sense of vitality that makes everything easier and more enjoyable. This is also how you make a difference.
Your calling is your life’s work. It’s your legacy. To find what you have a passion for, and to pursue that passion, is to find the vehicle you’ll use to contribute your greatness to the world.


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Love includes friends and family, your calling, and intimate relationships. But it also includes everything else you love and all your encounters with others. It includes those things you enjoy doing, the stories you grew up with, and the kind interactions with strangers that remind you of the love that exists in the world.
These can seem like separate, unrelated things, but they are opportunities to experience love in its varying forms. Experiencing love can give our life a sense of meaning and purpose, like something else…


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Our relationships are the most important things in the world. They’re the most crucial factor for happiness and, in combination with your calling, tend to be our reasons to live. For most, family is at the top of the list in terms of values and priorities.
Sometimes, it’s easy to forget just how much family means to us. They’re the people we typically live with and it’s hard to live with another person– no matter how much we like them. Love gives way to frustration and sometimes…we feel like we hate the other person.
However, your family is irreplaceable and precious, so you have to devote your time and energy to nurturing those precious relationships not just for the sake of your relatives, but also for your own.


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Like family, friends are one of the most important things in the world. Good friends are hard to come by, so when you find one, you need to do everything you can to nurture that relationship.
A great friend can become like family. You forge an inseparable bond with someone whom you know you can always count on — no matter how dark things get. A good friend is a confidant, a shoulder to lean on, and sometimes the voice of reason for us.
Always remember how lucky you are to have found someone you can truly call a good friend.


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This is one of those “you don’t know how much it means until it’s gone” type things. Many people will skip over this point, not giving it a second thought.
However, once you have even a single small health complication you’ll know exactly just how important this is. At the first sign of complications, you realize that everything is jeopardized by bad health.
good health, you can spend more time with friends and family, enjoy the love in your life, and follow your passion to your heart’s content. With bad health…you eventually lose it all. So, take care of your health so you have more time to enjoy the other most important things in your life.

How to Live Life to the Fullest

Examine our mindset, beliefs and frames of reference – especially as they relate to widely accepted norms. But at some point, the navel-gazing becomes more a place to hide; not a tool for liberation.
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The life you want fundamentally comes down to two Decisions and two Actions.

The First Decision – To Define It

When it comes to creating a life you love, you first have a decision to make, and that is to define it.
Create your own definition of
success for you – just you.
Decide to be the arbiter of your own life. It must be yours.

The First Action – Document It

With the first decision out of the way comes the first action, which is to invest the time and mental energy to map out what your ideal life actually looks like – to write it down,
keeping it simple, memorable and appealing.

The Second Decision – To Do What’s Required

You have to be honest with yourself about your circumstances, your limitations and your timeframes.
This decision is about committing to learning and doing what’s necessary to get you from the bottom of the mountain to the top – not in panicked fashion, but methodically and consistently. It’ll probably take you years to do this. Commit to figuring out what you need to learn, finding trusted sources to learn from, and then doing the work to learn and apply their teachings.

The Second Action – Focus on Process, not Inspiration

The second action is the step that separates those who rely on inspiration from those who focus on processes. Goals provide direction, and can even push you forward in the short term, but a well-defined system will always win in the end.
The ones who really make it in this world are those with
daily habits that put them on the path to success, and they focus on mastering those habits. The outcomes take care of themselves. By focusing on their habits, they’re successful every day, not one day.
I can’t tell you what specific habits you’ll need to master, but you can bet they’ll be simple. They’re going to include things like:

 Mastering your habits will change your life!

Let's protect LIFE of our Planet Earth!

This is our planet! So why we are not protecting it?” This is where we live, why are we hurting our home. Live on our earth. Love our earth, laugh on our earth this is the only one we have – SAVE IT.
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What can we do to contribute...

safe our Water, purify our Air, maintain our Soil, regulate the Climate,
recycle Nutrients and provide us with
Healthy Ecosystems are at the Foundation of all Civilization and sustain our Life and Economies.

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Eight Simple Things We Can Do to:

  1. Reduce, reuse, and recycle. Cut down on what you throw away. ...
  2. Volunteer. Volunteer for cleanups in your community. ...
  3. Educate. ...
  4. Conserve water. ...
  5. Choose sustainable. ...
  6. Shop wisely. ...
  7. Use long-lasting light bulbs. ...
  8. Plant a tree.

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Rhythm in Nature

Making the Connection to Life through Natural Rhythms Natural rhythms guide all that we do – our very existence. Our breath and heartbeat are constant reminders of life’s pulsing rhythm that moves within and around us.
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Making the Connection to Life through Natural Rhythms:

Natural rhythms guide all that we do – our very existence. Our breath and heartbeat are constant reminders of life’s pulsing rhythm that moves within and around us.
Our lives are orchestrated or guided by the rising and setting of the sun and the moon, the changes in temperature from day to night and from season to season, the tidal ebb and flow, and by our own internal rhythm. These rhythms guide our daily activity.
Not only are there external rhythms and cycles, there are also rhythms and cycles in our own lives. Women, more than men are affected by the daily and monthly cycles that guide our energy, moods and sleep. When our rhythms are in sync, life flows easily – we have more energy and tend to view things more positively, and we are more socially connected and find life more satisfying.
The body rhythms are called circadian rhythms. These signal and affect every aspect of our life, for example, they govern when to wake up, to
sleep, to be active and they determine how much energy we have. They play a role in our socializing – they influence how we socialize and how we feel.
These circadian rhythms are as predictable as clockwork – that is why we are said to have a
body clock.

Aging, a Natural Stage of Life

More than ever before our children and ourselves, need to be part of the slow movement and live in tune with the natural rhythms and cycles that have guided our evolution for the past 2 billion years. We need to connect to life.
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Babyhood, through Childhood, Adolescence, Adulthood, Parenthood, and Aging, show us that we have a Life Cycle of which birth and death are a part. The slow movement is about being aware of and connecting to these rhythms and cycles, and working with them instead of against them or in ignorance of them.
Many people live their lives cut off from the natural rhythms and cycles of nature and of their own bodies. They no longer get up with the sun, and they may stay up till the wee hours of the morning. Their pace of life is such that it is inconsequential whether it is night or day or winter or summer. The phases of the moon go unnoticed. Even the stages of their own life go unnoticed. This plays havoc with their body clocks. Their erratic
stressful lives are in a state of arrhythmia.  Arrhythmia is a term used to refer to the disorders of the regular beating of the heart, for example wild erratic beating, slow uneven beating.
Traditionally all cultures have lived in
harmony with the natural rhythms and cycles and have included celebrations, festivals and outdoor events to reinforce their occurrence. Most of these are now lost to our current consumeristic, success oriented lives.
We can bring these traditions back by marking them with some activity. For example, we could hold an organic dinner party for friends to mark the solstices and equinoxes. A way to notice and be in tune with the seasons and diurnal rhythms is to start a vegie
garden. Not only will you connect to your food source, you will connect more easily with these life rhythms.
More than ever before our children and ourselves, need to be part of the slow movement and live in tune with the natural rhythms and cycles that have guided our evolution for the past 2 billion years.
We need to connect to life.

Our other pages about "Nature", "Earth", "Life"

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Beautiful Nature

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I declare this world is so beautiful that I can hardly believe it exists. The sky, the mountains, the trees, the animals, give us a delight in and for themselves.

What is Beautiful

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Harmonious, Pleasing the Senses, Delightful, Exquisite, Fascinating, Graceful, Aesthetic, Stunning, Excellent

Information: Ocean Life

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Splash in the water, play in the sand; if the beaches are clean, life is just grand. The sun and the sand makes beaches beautiful... but Marine pollution has made some of their condition pitiful...Let us protect and enjoy our Oceans!

Information: Animal Life

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The term Animal as described in the dictionary means a living organism other than humans which feeds and usually has sense organs and a nervous system and can move. Animals include a vast majority of species. Humans belong to Homo Sapiens and are bipedal species.

Information: Insect Life

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As of 2022, 2.16 million living animal species have been described—of which around 1.05 million are insects, over 36,000 are fishes, around 11,700 are reptiles, over 11,100 are birds, and 6,596 mammals—but it has been estimated there are around 7.77 million animal species in total.

Information: Plant Life

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A plant is a living thing that grows in the earth and has a stem, leaves, and roots. ... When someone plants land with a particular type of plant or crop, they put plants, seeds, or young trees into the land to grow them there.

Information: Safe Water

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Water is everywhere around and within us. Nearly 70% of our planet’s surface is covered with it. Nearly 60% of the human body is made of it. It is the most abundant compound found in the universe.


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As populations have increased and we have relied on the Earth's natural resources—such as minerals, petroleum, coal, gas, and more—the Earth's biodiversity and creatures, from birds to insects to mammals, have declined in number.

Contact Us & follow us for Earth Life Information

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This is our planet! So why we are not protecting it?” This is where we live, why are we hurting our home. Live on our earth. Love our earth, laugh on our earth this is the only one we have – SAVE IT.

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